(02) 9437 1600 between 8:30 and 4:30 Monday to Friday or mail@nsv.com.au

Before Your Visit

Ultrasound scans are non-invasive and easy to prepare for, so you can be assured that your experience will be comfortable and stress-free. You will be advised how to prepare and what to bring to the laboratory when your booking is made.

Non invasive, safe and painless

Vascular ultrasound scans are non-invasive, requiring no anaesthetic, dyes or injectables. The transducer (the ‘wand’ used to perform the scan) passes over the skin, causing no pain unless the area being examined is tender, swollen, or bruised. The pressure placed on the body by the sonographer is light, with occasional moderate pressing into soft tissue areas like the abdomen or calf muscles, if a deeper image is required.

Ultrasound first!

If you are having other imaging performed the same day, it is preferable to perform the ultrasound first.
Please ensure your scan appointment is before other imaging bookings.
If this is not possible please contact us for advice.

How to prepare for your scan

Most scans require nil to minimal preparation. Some scans, usually for the abdomen, simply require that you are hydrated and comfortable. Our staff can provide you with personalised preparation advice when you make your booking. At the time of booking you may be advised to follow one of these preparation procedures:


No smoking, chewing gum or fizzy drinks 24 hours prior to your test.

Nil by mouth 6 hours prior to your appointment.

Sips of water may be taken and medications taken as normal.


Diabetic Fasting

Fast as per above plus black unsweetened tea and dry toast may be taken.

No moisturising creams on legs.

Do not wear compression stockings the day of the appointment.

An afternoon appointment is preferable for this study.

Please make sure you have eaten beforehand.

Fasting plus full bladder

No smoking, chewing gum or fizzy drinks 24 hours prior to your test.

Nil by mouth 6 hours prior to your appointment.

Sips of water may be taken and medications taken as normal. 


Diabetic Fasting

Fast as per above plus black unsweetened tea and dry toast may be taken.


Full bladder required

Finish drinking a litre of water one hour before your test and do not empty your bladder. This scan requires a full bladder.

After Care and Multiple Appointments

There is no downtime after a vascular ultrasound examination, so there are no specific aftercare procedures to follow once your examination is over, other than have a bite to eat if you have been fasting, and put on your compression stockings if you have not worn them the day of the scan.

If you have multiple bookings over time, it is very important to attend all visits. Your surgeon and/or doctor need the results of multiple scans to be able to see if your condition is improving, plateauing or declining over time. Only by doing this, can we learn how the treatment plans are working, and importantly, if you need emergency intervention.

Our doctor will use all the data we capture in the scans to create the most effective treatment plan for you. This is why it is important to bring any previous scan results with you to all vascular appointments, whether in our Laboratory, or in the doctor or surgeon’s office.

A Future of Vascular Wellbeing

Looking after your vascular health is a long-term goal that requires consistent self-care and support. It is important to take all findings from the scans seriously and follow the advice of your medical professionals.

The doctors work hard on your vascular health plan. It is then in your control to follow up on the findings and work to maintain and/or improve your vascular health over the long term.

Your doctor and our team are here to work with you. Together we can monitor, inform, maintain and improve the function of your arteries and veins.